For the past twenty years, Bruce has been a leading, award-winning advertising copywriter and creative director in both LA and NY. He’s won the Cannes Gold Lion, One Show, Art Director’s Show, Beldings Effies and more for his work on Pepsi, Jaguar, Jack in the Box, Dodge, Suzuki, and California’s Anti-Tobacco efforts.
He’s worked on everything from soda to software and as the North American Creative Director for Jaguar cars, helped resurrect that brand both here and around the world.
He loves strategy. To him, it is the art of advertising. And he teaches story, purpose and position to B2B companies to help with their communication efforts.
Simultaneously, he work-shops screenplays at the Writer’s Boot Camp, where he’s an alumni officer. His scripts have won and finaled in the leading screenwriting contests.
Bruce has written and published two novels – THE SEDUCTION DIET and THE CALAMITIES, and they are available on Amazon.
Please buy them.
- 323.899.6057